Monthly Economic Report: Philadelphia Job Market Shows Signs of Improvement

Date: June 3, 2013
  • Finance & Policy
Controller: Alan Butkovitz

Executive Summary

For Immediate Release:
June 3, 2013

Contact: Brian Dries

Philadelphia Job Market Shows Signs of Improvement
City Controller’s economic report reviews increase in online job postings &
third-consecutive monthly unemployment rate decline

April 2013 Economic Report

PHILADELPHIA – As many recent graduates embark on their job-searching journey, their chances of landing a position in Philadelphia have improved slightly over last year, according to City Controller Alan Butkovitz’ latest monthly economic report released today.

The total number of online active job advertisements by occupational group in April was 32,659, which is an increase of 3,910, or 14 percent, more than the number of positions advertised last year. Registered Nurses was the top occupation in Philadelphia listing the most help wanted ads for the month with 1,276 positions.

Following Registered Nurses for the occupations with the most help wanted ads included:


# of Jobs Advertised Online

Computer Systems Analysts


Marketing Managers


Web Developers


Management Analysts


The Comcast Corporation was the top employer with the most help wanted online ads posting 599 job openings in April. The remaining top five included Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 427; Deloitte, 282; Temple University, 240; and Urban Outfitters, Inc., 234.

In addition, the City’s unemployment rate has declined the last three consecutive months. April’s non-seasonally adjusted rate was 9.6%, which is down from 10.1% in March, 10.6% in February and 11.7% in January.

Along with reviewing jobs figures, the Controller’s economic report indicates yearly sales tax collections have totaled $211 million, which is a two percent increase over the prior year. Yearly wage, earnings and net profits tax revenues have totaled $1.35 billion, which is an almost five percent increase over the prior year.
