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City Controller – City of Philadelphia
The Philadelphia City Controller promotes honest, efficient, effective, and fully accountable city government. Independent of the Mayor and City Council, the City Controller conducts independent audits and analyses that provide objective information to city officials, the public, and other interested parties about the city’s financial affairs, and on ways to improve city operations and the use of public resources.
December’s Municipal Money Matters identifies the costs and locations of each completed Rebuild Program project.
An interactive tool that maps the victims of the city’s gun violence from 2015 to present day, including the race/ethnicity, age and gender of victims.
City Controller Christy Brady today released a special investigation of the Philadelphia’s Homestead Exemption Program that found the city and the School District of Philadelphia are losing a combined $11.4 million annually by individuals who are taking advantage of the program.
The City Controller is a popularly-elected City official and serves four-year terms, staggered from Mayor and Council elections, and is not subject to term limits. The City Controller is the Chief Auditor of the City of Philadelphia and the School District. The City Controller is independent of the Mayor and City Council and is charged with auditing their operations.