Calculator is available for constituent service representatives to help Philadelphia homeowners understand available options and their financial impact.
For immediate release: Thursday, September 29, 2022
Contact: Jolene Nieves Byzon, 215-300-1071
Philadelphia, PA – Today, the City Controller’s Office announced it created and launched a new property tax relief calculator to support constituent service representatives help Philadelphia homeowners understand the financial impact of newly expanded property tax relief programs. The calculator tool uses a set of questions to determine program eligibility and compares the potential savings for each of the City’s three main property tax relief programs.
“Over the last few months, my office has focused on supporting Philadelphia homeowners during the City’s most recent property tax reassessment,” said City Controller Rebecca Rhynhart. “My office is launching a tool to help constituent service representatives better inform Philadelphia homeowners of the tax relief programs available to them and the financial impact of those relief programs. I want to thank Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson and his staff for their help in making this tool.”
In May 2022, the City of Philadelphia released its property reassessment valuations for Tax Year 2023, the first citywide property reassessment in three years. The reassessment resulted in a median increase of 31% for single family residential properties. In response, City Council and the Kenney Administration passed several property tax relief measures, including increasing the value of the Homestead Exemption and expanding eligibility for the Senior Tax Freeze program and the Longtime Owner Occupant Program.
“With residential assessments up 31% citywide, many Philadelphia homeowners could face big property tax increases this year,” Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson (Second District) said. “But help is here. City Council unanimously approved my Save Our Homes plan, expanding property tax relief for all homeowners, and especially for low-income households. But, with this major expansion, people need to make sure that they’re enrolled in the best program. This free tool will help make that process as easy and painless as possible. My thanks to Controller Rhynhart for stepping up to help Philadelphians as tax season approaches.”
The Controller’s Office has made the tool available to members of City Council and the Philadelphia delegation in the state legislature, as well as local non-profit organizations like Community Legal Services. While the tool is available on the City Controller’s website, the Controller’s Office strongly encourages members of the public to reach out to their councilmember or state representative for assistance in navigating the property tax relief options available to them given the complexity of the options available.