Monthly Economic Report: City Gains Millions in Revenues from Litter Violators

Date: August 28, 2014
  • Finance & Policy
Controller: Alan Butkovitz

Executive Summary

For Immediate Release
Aug. 28, 2014

Contact: Brian Dries

City Gains Millions in Revenues from Litter Violators
City Controller’s economic report indicates $26 million collected since FY2009

July 2014 Economic Report

PHILADELPHIA – City Controller Alan Butkovitz today released his latest monthly Economic Report that indicated the City collected $26 million for litter fines since Fiscal Year 2009 (FY2009).

In FY2014 alone, the City collected $5.1 million, recording a 75 percent increase from the $2.9 million collected in FY2009. These revenues are collected for violations that were issued to individuals and businesses for not properly disposing of garbage, refuse, rubbish, or any other waste that creates a danger to public health or welfare.

A breakdown of collections by fiscal year included the following:

FY09 $2,930,843
FY10 $3,724,074
FY11 $5,235,893
FY12 $4,474,941
FY13 $4,868,322
FY14 $5,089,589

While the City realizes revenues from violators who pay the fines, there are also millions of dollars that go uncollected. According to an Agency Receivables Report maintained by the Department of Revenue, there was almost $70 million owed the City through the end of FY2014.

In addition to reviewing revenues generated from littering fines, the Controller’s monthly Economic Report showed that monthly tax collections for both the City and PICA portions totaled almost $210 million, which is a four percent increase over last July. Monthly home sales for the City of Philadelphia also posted an increase of almost six percent compared to sales over last year.
