Press Releases

Press Releases: City Controller Rhynhart Releases Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

For immediate release: Thursday, February 11, 2021

Contact: Genevieve Greene, 215-300-1071

Philadelphia, PA – City Controller Rebecca Rhynhart released the following statement regarding the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in Philadelphia. Her statement is as follows:

“As an elected leader in this city, I share the concerns of many Philadelphians that there does not appear to be a clear and comprehensive plan to get our residents vaccinated.  We need systems in places and accountability within those systems to ensure the process is transparent, thoughtful and fair. Distributing the vaccine to Philadelphians is key to reopening schools, stimulating the economy and getting our city back on track. Given the debacle with Philly Fighting COVID and other complaints about this process, my office continues to investigate these issues and we stand ready to support the City in any way we can.”

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